Phil had a birthday mid-month which we celebrated with a Black Forest cake and presents. Jack chose sweatpants for his dad (from one man to another) and Sasha chose chocolate to give him (they both are chocoholics).
We spent many evenings down in our basement where Sasha can burn off all her leftover energy for the day. The newest addition is a simple hook in the ceiling with a rope and bar suspended from it. She loves be a flying trapeze artist and spin around super fast on it before trying to walk across the room. It's pretty entertaining to watch as I'm sure Jack would agree.
We've really enjoyed our new hot tub this winter. It's the perfect way for Phil and I to unwind after the kids are tucked in at night and Sasha loves to splash around it it as well. Since the nights are always very cool here even in the summer, we anticipate using it a lot year round.
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