Monday, April 25, 2011

Jack at 6 months

Jack had his 1/2 birthday on March 12 and here are some pictures taken around that time give or take a week. Some of his favorite things to do are shake things and bang things, play in his exersaucer, watch his family members dance and act crazy, "pet" the cat, and practice standing and walking while holding onto our hands. He has had a very mellow personality up until now--very smiley and fusses only when he wants to be put down for a nap or be fed. He still is getting up at least 3 times/night to feed (ughh...) At his 6 month check-up he weighed almost 15 lbs which put him in the 15% for weight and 40% for height. I really can say that although these 6 months have flown by and although I enjoyed the newborn stage more this time around, I am happy to be moving on. I now know from parenting Sasha that it just gets better and better.

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