Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Growing up

These kids are growing up so fast! Jack is eating solids as of 4 1/2 months and sitting on his own as of 5 months. I started giving him real food in hopes that he would be able to make it longer stretches through the night without without being fed. Alas he is still up every 3 hours at night in addition to cleaning his bowl of cereal, fruits, and veggies 2-3 times a day. There isn't anything he dislikes at this point.
Jack is very fond of Burt, the cat, unlike his big sister who has been caught numerous times pushing poor Burt off the couch and speaking to him in a much less than loving tone.
One weekend on a whim we ventured up the mountains to the ski resort, rented some skis for Sasha and spent a morning on the bunny hill with her. We hadn't intended to start her on skis until next year, but she's such a daredevil and enthusiastic about any new physical sport/activity that we thought it couldn't hurt to try. She loved it--so much that it was hard to get her off the mountain. By the end of the first morning she was skiing on her own for 10-15 seconds at a time. I can't wait for a couple of years from now when we can spend many weekends each winter up there skiing together as a family.
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