Saturday, March 14, 2015


Snuggling before bed.  Jack and Sasha both love to sleep together in the same room for now which makes the bedtime routine pretty slick.  Sasha loves to sleep and falls asleep within a minute of her head hitting the pillow, but Jack is more of a night owl and will often come out of his room requesting this or that at least once after we tuck him in.

Friend Thanksgiving with Thompsons and Riesterers because one Thanksgiving dinner just isn't enough.

We had to say goodbye to our dear friends Olivia and Kelen when they moved to Denver this month.  I really miss their mom, Jannell, too.

Phil attended a spine conference in San Francisco which I joined him at, and then we tacked on an overnight in Napa to celebrate our 15th Anniversary the next month.  We loved our bed and breakfast and touring a couple wineries, Clos Pegase and Castillo de Amaroso.

My Dad's Birthday Lunch in Albuquerque

School Picture

Crazy times with Katie and Liam Mooney

Jack's first year putting the angel on the top of the tree

Sasha lost another tooth the day before Thanksgiving.  She looks toothless!

The first Christmas cookies of the year had to by Holly Berry cookies of course,  Jack and Sasha's favorite.

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