Monday, March 16, 2015


We flew into Indianapolis on New Years Day where Phil's family had gathered at Joe and Teresa's new house in Carmel for a couple days.  Jack loved hanging out with his cousins, Jake and T.J.

Sasha's dream of sliding down a banister one day finally came true and she repeated it over and over.

We spent the next several days in Goshen at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Their treadmill provided hours of entertainment, mostly as they pretended to be suitcases on the moving runway at the airport.

Thumbs up for Grandma's delicious meals

Opening stockings

Choosing candy from the candy wreath is a favorite tradition

Jacob, Mary, and Sasha took turns reading the Christmas story this year before the opening of the gifts.

We all chipped in to throw a 70th Birthday Party for Phil's mom at the Old Bag Factory on a Sunday afternoon.  Phil was tasked with taking some posed photographs of the guests.

Happy Birthday, Jan!

My Christmas gift to Phil was a ski weekend away in Taos with a couple of his friends. 

Lisa, Tina, Mandy, Minda, and Amy (my Goshen College friends) came out to visit for MLK weekend.  We had so much fun!

Activities included local shopping, hot tubbing, Tent Rocks hike, Ten Thousand Waves, El Farol flamenco show and lots of laughs and reminiscing.

Our chosen destination for next year's gathering:  NYC!!

Weekend reading

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