Thursday, July 24, 2014


Sasha gave soccer another try this summer.  She was on a team with many of her classmates and really seemed to enjoy it more this time.

We enjoyed a Sunday afternoon baseball game in Albuquerque with some friends.

Sasha is a bookworm.  When she finds a book she likes she has a hard time putting it down.  Her favorite books to read this summer are the Wimpy Kid series.  She still loves having books read to her at night before bed though. She and Phil are making their way through the fourth Harry Potter book right now I am reading Island of the Blue Dolphins to her.

One weekend we found a trail that led to the Santa Fe River where a tire swing was hanging.  Sasha and Jack hadn't worn swimsuits so undies had to do.

Here Sasha is posing with the many gift bags and wrapped presents that she prepared for me for Mothers Day.  Each one contained some treasure from her room that she wanted me to have.  So sweet.

Phil's parents came for a visit in the middle of the month.

We toured Ghost Ranch where Georgia O'Keefe lived and painted.  It was very moving to see the actual landscapes that she painted.

Sasha caught a cool bug at the ranch.

Jack loves his gymnastics class. Here is receiving an award on the last day.

On Memorial Day weekend we went down to Albuquerque for a little staycation at Tamaya Resort.  We enjoyed hanging out in the pools, having smores at night, and biking on the trails.

For some reason the kids loved the "obstacle"/fitness course on site. 

And he's off!!  Jack learned how to ride a bike this month.  Green Lantern whizzing by on a purple bike with a butterfly basket.  What a sight!

Sasha has a knack for finding coins on the ground.  She keeps all of them in a bag by her bed and she's saved up a couple dollars by now. 

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