Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring Break Part 2: Disneyland

For the last 2 days of our trip we drove up to Anaheim and did the whole Disney experience, one day at Disneyland and one day at California Adventure.  I have never been a huge fan of Disney but we figured since we were out there and Sasha at least is at a great age for it, we might as well dabble in it.  Jack was not a fan of the rides at first until we found this super slow caterpillar train which he loved.  After that he got a bit more brave and willingly went on more rides.

This is Sasha waiting in line at her favorite ride, "The Tower of Terror".  She rode it 3 times with Phil.  It's basically a super tall elevator ride with a pitch black free fall with jerky stops and strobe lights periodically. It sounds absolutely terrifying to me and Phil said the whole time she just laughed and was goofing around while teenage boys next to her were screaming and almost in tears.   

Sasha had a wonderful time at Disney and to see her grinning from ear to ear made it all worth it. 

Enjoying ice cream cones mid-afternoon.  Jack skipped his nap for the first time and powered on until 9 pm with a pretty good attitude. 

Jack's favorite ride the second day were the cars that you could drive around on a track.  We lucked out and got a green car, his favorite color.  One funny memory I will have of Jack at Disney is when he pulled on my leg while we were waiting in line and said "Mama I went pee pee".  Sure enough, he had pulled down his pants and relieved himself right there in line.  A large puddle was off to the side.  By some small miracle it seemed as if no one else in line had seen it happen.  Boys....

Sasha about to hop on the front car of her second favorite ride, Space Mountain. 

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