Thursday, November 29, 2012


 October was a fun month filled with fall activities and many afternoons spent lingering outside in the warm sunshine.  As you can see above, Jack is really into football (and soccer, and baseball, and any other activity with a ball).  He loves watching football on TV and exclaims "Whoa, that was really cool" when there is a good catch or a big tackle.  Sasha picked out many pumpkins for our house this year and got very attached to each one, so much that she became tearful in November each time she would discover that another was beginning to turn soft and rotten. 
 We went to McCall's Pumpkin Patch during the week with my mom and dad had a great time in the corn sand box, taking a hay ride, and picking out pumpkins.  Jack loved getting to climb on all the old tractors sitting around the property.

 I have orchestra rehearsal on average 2 times/week so while I'm gone for 3 1/2 hours Phil and the kids find fun things to do at home or out and about.  On this evening Sasha helped Jack by cutting out his doggie for him and he did the gluing, I hear.

 Goofing around in our dressy clothes before our first ever professional family photo shoot.

 The Santa Fe Community Orchestra concert.  I am third from the left in the front.
 Sasha came to the concert for the first half and then went to get ice cream with Phil for the second half.  

"Leaf Jumping Day" at Sasha's school.  Something I took for granted growing up in the Maple City.

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