Sunday, August 21, 2011

Big Day for Sasha Tomorrow

We have been on vacation in Michigan and adjusting to being back home so I will try to catch up with my summer blogging over the next week or so. Tomorrow Sasha starts her first day of preschool and I feel a little sick to my stomach tonight and tearful as I pack her first lunch in a lunch box and gather up all the items for her cubby that she will need. How did we get here already?

She is eager to go and I know she will thrive there, but I will miss her so much! I realize that this is just one of the many "letting go" moments I will have to face over her lifetime.

Jack will miss having Sasha around as much as I will. No one can make him giggle like she can.

A rare solemn picture of Sasha. I love you, cutie, and good luck tomorrow!
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Kate said...

That first picture looks so much like you, Jess! You're right...there are a lot of letting go moments. Speaking of, Maren had that same shirt, and looking at it on Sasha is bringing back when Maren was 3 and I hadn't had to let go of quite so much. Enjoy your time with Jack and know that Sasha is having a great day!

Amy said...

How did it go? Been thinking of you and wondering ...

Phil and Jess said...

Sasha LOVES school. She barely said bye to us the first day and has not shed a tear now in 2 weeks. Whew!