Friday, July 22, 2011

Jack update

Jack is now 10 months old although all of these pictures were more around the 9 month mark. The biggest change is that he is constantly on the go now. He started crawling on his 9 month birthday, albeit very awkwardly. He still tends to drag his curled up left leg under him and push forward with his right foot. The end result is that it's very easy for him to go from crawling to sitting up on the left leg whenever he wants to stop and check something out. He gave us quite a scare a couple of days after he started crawling. We were rushing around getting the house picked up before guests arrived and both of us thought the other was watching Jack. At that point he was still pretty slow, or so we thought. Next thing we know we hear a distant scream and my heart sank immediately knowing what had happened. He had managed to scoot all the way to the other end of the house and fall down the length of our basement stairs. He was just sitting at the bottom bawling with no obvious injuries and was comforted within seconds. Whew! Phil put a gate up the next day.

Days later he began pulling up on everything and now is cruising along furniture with ease. Other new skills in the last few weeks are clapping, waving hi and bye, and lots of pointing.

Phil and I are amazed by how well he entertains himself for long periods of time (second child characteristic probably) and also how he will sit in his high chair for a long stretch at home or in a restaurant and eat anything and everything--very different than Sasha. We are almost off of baby food altogether. He is still waking up one time at night for a feeding but otherwise sleeps 7pm-6:30 am and takes 2 good naps. At his 9 week check-up he weighed a scant 15 lb. 9 oz but is average for height.

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1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh my, he is SO cute! Love the dimple. He looks like a ham (minus the rolls :)