Wednesday, June 22, 2011

May pics

Picture #1: Jack in all his mealtime glory. The boy loves to eat-- escpecially orange and yellow vegetables. He is just now showing some signs of teeth starting to push through but his toothless gums have not stopped him from devouring bread, pizza crusts, pretzels, blueberries, and grapes just to name a few. And despite his appetite, he is a wiry little thing--not a role of fat on him!
Picture #2: Mothers Day kiss from Sasha. We went out for a delicious over the top champagne brunch at this lovely lodge a couple miles from our house with my mom, dad, and Megan. Then Megan, my mom, and I went on a hike while the kids were napping. A perfect day!
Picture #3: Tomorrow we sadly hand the keys of the Infiniti over to an 18-year-old kid who can use the 2-door speedster more effectively than we can with 2 little kids. Though we both cringed at the thought of driving and owning a big vehicle at one time, we are enjoying the space in our Mazda CX9 that we got this spring. I make Phil drive it though.
Picture #4: Jack and Sasha taking their first bath together. Jack thought he was in heaven and Sasha was the proud big sister happy to show him how it's done.
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