Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Easter was a big hit this year, both the secular and the religious aspects of it. I don't know how many times Sasha requested that we read the Easter story from her children's bible story book and now every night her bedtime prayer starts out "Dear God, Thank you that Jesus rose from the dead." I wonder what her real understanding is in her little 3-year-old head! We had lots of fun dying Easter eggs and hiding them. The second day of hiding we had to make a new rule though that eggs could not be hidden in cabinets or drawers after an egg went MIA for a day.

We went down to Albuquerque Easter weekend and Megan and I threw a 60th birthday party for my mom at Megan's house-- a Greek inspired meal complete with lamb kabobs, spinach pie, tabbouleh, and a Tres Leches cake just to shake things up a bit. Megan and I happened to be dressed exactly alike. It's in the genes....

Sasha and Jack sitting pretty in their Easter outfits before the church service at Albuquerque Mennonite.

We enjoyed a delicious Easter dinner after church at my mom and dad's house with Megan.
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