Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jack's Second Week

My parents have been a HUGE help since Jack was born. They moved out to New Mexico about 2 months ago and it has been so nice to have them an hour away. It has made the transition to 2 kids so much easier with extra people around to play with Sasha, change diapers, do laundry, cook meals, etc. I can't thank them enough! They plan to come up every Tuesday once we're in a routine, a day I know I'll look forward to every week.
I think Jack looks just like a mini-Phil in this picture. He's becoming more alert and lately has had more diffictulty sleeping for long stretches at night. It's been a little rough!
Sasha is so good with Jack. He's the first thing she asks about in the morning and she tries hard to make him happy by stroking his head and cheeks. She is eager to help change his diaper, pick out his clothes, and is always happy to hold him.
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1 comment:

Kate said...

Jack is so GORGEOUS! Are his eyes blue in that first picture? Maybe the grey newborn eyes before they turn brown. Anyway, he is a doll, and so alert. Glad you have your parents around to help you out...grandparents are wonderful, priceless people...when you can get them!