Friday, February 20, 2009

President's Day Weekend

We had an exceptionally fun, eventful weekend starting with Phil's birthday meal out on Friday night. The last several years he has forgone a nice dinner at an upscale restaurant for a big, juicy burger, fries, and beer which he claims he gets every bit as much satisfaction from. So we tried a local brewpub new to us. As usual these days when we go out for dinner with Sasha, we got there right at 5:00 (we eat earlier than most senior citizens these days!) and were home by 6:15 to put her to bed. The above picture is our beloved Prelude which we sold on Sunday after posting on Craigslist for a day or so. It's wierd how attached one can get to a car. Although I am really loving the new Audi, I will really miss that low, sleek stick shifting car. I'm happy that it sold to a nice kid who is passionate about it.
Our good friends Zach and Christina drove down from Denver on Saturday with their 6 month son, Nicholas. Phil had a great time skiing with Zach while Christina and I shopped and sat around the house with the kids. Nicholas is pretty much the same size as Sasha, but she throws her weight around more and was very much up in his business constantly.

On Sunday night we all celebrated Phil's 34th birthday with a cheese fondue meal and insanely rich peanut butter cake with chocolate/peanut butter filling, cream cheese frosting and Butterfinger bar on top--Phil's request. Sadly Phil and I polished off the last pieces last night.
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