Thursday, April 17, 2008

This is Sasha's official U.S. passport picture. Does she look innocent enough to get back into the country after our trip to Nicaragua this summer?
Going swinging at the park is now the highlight of every day for her. Until we had her, we never appreciated how nice it is to have a park 2 blocks away.
Phil showing off. Sasha jealous.
We broke down and got one of those huge plastic exer-saucer things. It pretty much fills our tiny living room, but she loves it--at tleast for a few minutes before her head gets tired and she ends up just laying her noggin down and sucking her fist. We are attempting to sell our house now so this will be one more thing to stash in the closet along with the bouncy seat, swing, etc. each time someone comes over to look at the place. We are literally bursting out of our 2 bedroom condo.
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