Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Now that the weather is warm, we've been letting Sasha squirm around in the buff on a towel for awhile before her evening bath. She loves to stand with our help and is really pretty good at supporting herself.
Last week marked the first that Sasha really started using her hands effectively. She can raise objects to her mouth and when her hands are empty, she often stuffs her fists in her mouth or studies them with great concentration.
This weekend 5 of my GC friends came into town to join Mandy Yoder and myselft for out annual weekend get-together. This time though there were 5 babies too--all 13 months and younger. Here they are lined up from oldest to youngest. It was pretty wild--especially the night that we women went out alone for dinner and 3 of our husbands were left in charge of the babies. Everyone survived!
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1 comment:

Amy and Ryan said...

That row of kids is just too cute! I love it. Miss you all so much already.