Monday, July 17, 2017

April 2017

This month was a whirlwind.  We started it out by traveling to Jacksonville, FL for a neurosurgery conference at Ponte Vedra.  The kids and I enjoyed the beach and pool while Phil attended the conference in the morning and then we did several outings in the afternoon before the planned dinners in the evening.  A highlight was going to see a wild animal rescue where we saw so many big cats up close (even a liger!) but were prohibited from taking any photos.

An afternoon in St. Augustine. 

At the pirate museum

At the old fort.  Jack clutching his pirate's treasure chest he got for his souvenir of the trip

Back in town long enough to dye some Easter eggs...

Before flying to Indiana to attend my Grandma Gingerich's memorial service over Easter weekend.

It was a beautiful weekend so Jon got out the Mercedes and was giving rides to all the grandkids

We had a nice evening at Rachel and Ben's house

Played lots of fun games with Mary, Anna, and Lydia

Playing Barbie on the new rug destined for the music room that we are redoing

A freak spring dump of snow

Santa hats made a reapperance

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