Tuesday, August 6, 2013


So very, very

serious are these children.

Not for long!

Jack doing his part to make sure violin practice is extra challenging :)   In all seriousness though, Sasha is doing great.  She played in her second recital at the Preheim's house where she performed "Twinkle, Variation A" in June.  It was lovely!

I, along with another mom from Sasha's class, co-hosted a Mother Daughter Tea.  I recruited my mom to help bake goodies and serve tea, my dad to play cello, and Phil to take staged photos of all the mother-daughter pairs.  It ended up being a lot of fun to plan and put together. 

Happy Flag Day!

Father's Day brunch at Flying Star in Albuquerque.

Jackson's Birthday Party at ABQ jump.  Sasha is wearing her new "Chinese Pajamas" from Grandma June.

We went with some friends to Chama one weekend to ride Thomas the Train who was making a stop there on his tour of the West.  Jack is really into trains still.  He really loved it, but was terrified of the guy dressed up as Sir Topham Hat.  Sasha gave him a reluctant hug

Sasha displaying chocolate pudding that she made entirely by herself.  She was so proud to serve us dessert that night.  Everyone had their own unique white chocolate chip design on top.

Rice noodles are always funny.

Jack spotted Phil's old skateboard way up on the top shelf in our garage and has been trying his hand at it now and then.  It cracks me up that Phil used to be a big time skater in junior high and, along with that, apparently wore sweat pants to school every day(?!) because they were the best for skating. 

We were in Albuquerque the last weekend of the month for the Erb Family Reunion.  It was my mom and her siblings turn to plan it so they invited all of the Midwest people to come out to New Mexico.  Above is the Roman and Shirley Gingerich clan.

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