Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Utah Road Trip (Part 3)

The 4 days of our vacation we meandered through southern Utah hitting 2 of the national parks we had not been to before: Capitol Reef and Grand Staircase Escalante. We did a lot of hiking those days and enjoyed dining at Hell's Backbone Grill in Boulder, Utah (one of the destination restaurants in the West I've read about over and over in magazines). All 3 meals we ate there were so delicious and Sasha and Jack were entertained there by the little footpaths and pond on site. The low point of the whole trip was when Sasha lost her balance on a hike and fell into a cactus. She had at least 50 needles in her hand. Poor little hiker! The photo of Phil with her at the waterfall is 5 minutes post-cactus encounter. Since we were so close to it on the way home we made sure to hit Four Corners on the last day. Overall, it was one of our best vacations yet and it made me even more excited to do more road trips in the future.

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