Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Halloween etc.

For the first time in years, Phil and I dressed up for Halloween and went to an adults only party. It was super fun. My costume was forgettable, but Phil's was not. He was "Keith Stone" and wore this wig/hat thing with a long stringy mullet in the back--the same wig/hat thing that he wore when we went to sign our mortgage papers at the bank here a few years ago. I nearly died from embarrassment then and it was just as creepy this time around!

Sasha was a white tiger and Jack a cow. Sasha loved trick-or-treating this year and was very brave about going up to doors by herself.

These are just a few of my favorite pictures of Jack from around that time. We keep wondering where he gets his blond hair. Just in the last few weeks he has started to be a real handful (15.5 months). With Sasha we never experienced all out tantrums with screaming, kicking, and head-banging like Jack is doing. Hopefully it's just a phase, but this plane ride to Indiana on Friday could be the longest day of our lives!

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