This was Sasha's first day at Rio Grande School. She goes 4 days/week and is in a class of 13 3-year-olds. She really enjoys all of the organized activities. Her favorite things to do there are circle time, looking for "treasures" in the sand box, science class, gym class, and cooking.
My parents were kind enough to take Sasha overnight camping. This is not a good age to take Jack camping for a number of reasons but Sasha LOVED it so much last year that we were feeling guilty about not giving her that experience this summer. Phil, Jack, and I joined them for dinner and s'mores and then went back home. Apparently Sasha slept great in her sleeping bag in the tent until about 5 am when she woke up freezing and just snuggled in between by mom and dad in their sleeping bag for a few more hours of sleep.
Jack dined in comfort at the campsite in his good old high chair that we threw in the trunk. He was perfectly content this year with his watered down plain graham cracker s'more.
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