Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Family Thanksgiving

It's hard to believe but we were totally up for a second Thanksgiving meal a day later at my parents house. I got to make the pies this time instead of the turkey and mashed potatoes. I discovered that pecan pie really is incredibly easy to make and man, is it tasty! Why do we only make it around Thanksgiving?! It was so nice to spend time together as a family and we even got to play a few rounds of Yahtzee after the kids were in bed--a Yoder family favorite.
My parents kept Sasha for the rest of the weekend so we could have some down time with just Jack. It always makes me realize how much easier it is with just one, especially with just a baby. I never would have said that the first time around with just Sasha to care for, but my perspective has changed completely.

When we came down to Albuquerque to pick up Sasha on Sunday night, we went to the huge Christmas light show at the Botanical Gardens.
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