Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Sasha wanted to be a ghost for Halloween. Sounds easy, right? Except who has a plain white sheet lying around that they want to cut up? I decided to see if I could sway her with a purchased lion costume and sure enough, there was no mention of a ghost after one look at that hat with a mane.

Sasha LOVED trick-or-treating this year. We had been practicing for several weeks leading up to the event at our own front door, so she had the "Trick-Or-Treat" and "Thank You" routine down pat. I am pleased to say that the last of the treats were consumed last week. No more begging for a piece of Halloween candy--Yay!
Here is Jack around 6 weeks old. We are pleasantly surprised by what an easy-going baby he is. He is very content to be held and watch the goings-on around him without much bouncing, singing, shushing, etc. He's on a great sleeping routine at night where we put him down easily at 7 pm and he sleeps 5-6 hours before his first night feed. He goes right back to sleep and is up 1-2 more times for a quick feed before waking for the new day around 6. His dark hair is slowly starting to grow in an "old man" pattern around the bottom of his head and his grey eyes are turning brown--no surprise there. He was almost 11 lbs. at his 2 month check-up (75th percentile)--this kid is solid.
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