Monday, April 19, 2010


This is the first year Sasha really got into Easter. She LOVED coloring eggs, hiding eggs, cracking hard boiled eggs, trying to peel them, and there was a period of a week where she was eating 1-2 hard boiled eggs every day. The weeks leading up to Easter I had been hiding empty plastic eggs around the house for her to find and each time she spotted one, she would say in a very animated high voice, " Hey, I think I see another one!" After the Easter egg hunt at Gabriela's house though where every egg was filled with a treat, she lost interest in the empty egg hunts at home.
We enjoyed a nice visit from Phil's parents over the holiday. Unfortunately they left sunny 80 degree weather in Indiana to come to our chilly cloudy weekend, but we had fun anyway.

Sasha has definitely hit the "terrible twos". She has to do EVERYTHING by herself which means it takes twice as long as it used to getting ready for bed, getting out of the house, getting dressed in the morning, etc. There are many more tears and time outs than there were even a month ago. Sometimes Phil and I just have to take a deep breath and remind ourselves or the other person that she is just learning how to be a big girl which is what we ultimately want.
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