Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Basement Bliss

I've been horrible about blogging lately. As some of you know I am 13 weeks pregnant (we're thrilled!) but the last 2 months have felt like one long boatride on stormy seas. I was very sick the first time around and was dreading the onset of nausea this time around even though Phil kept reassuring me that it might be different this time. Unfortunately the old familiar feeling returned around week 6 and I felt nauseated pretty much 24/7 for what seemed an eternity. It was challenging in a different way this time. No, I wasn't working 10 hour shifts in the ER, but having to be "on" all the time for an active 2-year-old was tough. This week I am starting to have periods of relief finally so I know the end is in sight. On a happier note, I think I felt the baby move for the first time this week--it seems early, but that sensation is pretty unmistakeable.

In February we had interior stairs put into our house to connect the upstairs with the finished basement below which had previously only been accessible from a separate outdoor entrance. It's a huge meandering space with wall to wall carpet, a full bath, and little kitchen area. For now it makes a perfect playroom and spare room for guests and in the later years will be great for slumber parties, ping pong, movies, etc. Sasha has made good use of our patio furniture cushions this winter down in the basement (below).
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