Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mom and Dad's Visit

Finally I have some more pictures to post (they've been building up for awhile) so be prepared for rapid-fire blogging over the next few weeks. My parents came out to New Mexico at the end of July to visit their daughters and see the house for the first time that they have purchased out in Albuquerque. Yes, they bought the house site unseen but based on Megan and Uli's scouting--it was too good to pass up. Thankfully they are pleased with their future home as of next summer. They have sold their house in Goshen and moved into an apartment for the rest of the year until my mom finishes out her last year of school nursing before retiring. It seems too good to be true that my whole family will be living in New Mexico! Sasha will be so lucky to grow up close to one set of grandparents at least. Above we are celebrating my parents anniversary with a special meal in our dining room.
Phil and I enjoyed many meals outside on our back porch after Sasha went to bed this summer. The sunsets were truly breathtaking over the mountains. Now we just need a hottub for those cool winter nights. While they were here, my parents helped us pull off a big open house party with 75+ guests. We cranked A LOT of homemade icecream beforehand and ended up having a really fun time. Sasha really got attached to grandma and grandpa and talks about them often.
We go downtown to the Farmer's Market and new Railyard Park that includes a splash park every Saturday morning. Sasha is fearless despite the cold water.
She finally achieved the 20 pound mark at 20 months of age. Way to go, short stuff!
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