Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sasha is home with us!

It has come to my attention that some people actually read this blog! We are certainly not up to par with most of our friends for its quality, but we'll keep it going, with its bush-league inadequate formatting and all!

Sasha is home with us and we are finally getting into a routine. We are SO happy for her to be with us, and we've been very grateful for the support of friends and family. It's fun to have people see photos of her, and we will continue to post them both here and on flickr. The flickr account has every photo as on this, along with many many more (though only several are public, so login is necessary). If you have not already received a login link to access all of our flickr pictures, please email us and we will correct that. It's been fun to be in touch with everybody, and that has given us a lot of encouragement through the hard times, and made us laugh more during the fun times.

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Breck said...

What a beautiful baby with such a gorgeous head of hair! She looks angelic. Congratulations on your homecoming!

- Lisa

beth said...

Congratulations on the birth of Sasha! I love the picture of her in the hat, what beautiful eyes. Blessings to all of you.

Jennifer said...

Congratuations Phil & Jess! Following the links from Lisa, Breck & Eliza's page has led to finding yours. I'm so happy for you and Sasha. What a wonderful way to start the new year.

Jenn Koop